heres some work from my visual diary so far......

some of my favourite photography from round leeds and other places...

heres some work from a graphic designer i found...

i found a book of old american illustration which was pretty amusing...

an old drawing from amsterdam and some leaves...

a couple of photos from light night, since they were pretty
blurred i tried out using tipex as an outline which looked pretty cool...

heres a couple of illustrators i found in a book called 'illustrators now'.
i really liked the vintage style they use..

its not very clear here but this is just some work from an artist
called gustav klimt who i saw in liverpool and was one of my favourite exhibitions so far....

i used to press flowers alot.. so i stuck some in along with some black and
white photography i did of plants and weeds....

again, not a very clear page, but this is one of my favourite photographers of all time;
Ansel adams, il post another blog of some of his work soon....
thats it so far, soon i hope to get some photography and inspirational artists etc up,
which should be soon, when i get the hang of this thing!