A short history on paper
the earliest forms of paper were used in egypt in 3500BC,
where it was made from a plant called papyrus, giving the
name 'paper' today. paper entered production of paper
in the early 12th century.

some examples of the first forms of paper

paper began being produced mechanically in 19th century
making it able to be used worldwide because it was cheaper
and more accessible.

making paper
i found a site that had a video on how to make paper from scraps, but because
i couldnt upload it, heres the address.
basicly it consists of adding water and crushing small bits of paper using a blender or
a similar device, and when it becomes mushy, then add a small
amount of white glue, place the substance in a frame with a pair of tight of some similar
fabric at the bottom, wait until it is completely dry and then peel off!
well thats the very basic instructions, the videos more reliable.