Monday, 9 November 2009

Photoshop tutorial

Although im doing film photography for my project, im hoping to still develop my basic knowledge in photography as a whole, so i attended this lecture to teach me basic and advanced photoshop techniques.

Basic techniques

Here i expermienting with 'curves', which affect the contrast of the image.

Here im trying out one of the filters used to sharpen images (unsharp mask) which is one tool which i hadnt used since i tend to avoid filters, but i found this one very useful.
Heres another filter used (smart sharpen) which is slightly more advanced but still very effective.
on this image i experimented with saturation to change the colours and lighting...
by using saturation i made the image darker and look more 'nightly'.
Photo filter...
Selecting using the magic tool...
Selective colouring, done by creating a second layer, turning one image black and white, then simply using the paint brush tool to simply paint in the lips.
original image...
This is a good tool for using raw images, because it can help edit the images before even opening them into photoshop...
a simple way to create a black edge, although mine was un-successful because i used a wrong brush...
Here we were being taught to create line and swirl effects on an image, but because i misheard some of the instructions, il have to look this up online or in the library...
This was also a method i misheard but it was a method of getting rid of the sign from the image.. which i will also look up...

This was one of my favourite methods (removing objects from an image eg, people and other moving objects by combining a large number of images of the same page) this is definetely something i will try in future..

final image with people all removed..
I found this tutorial very helpful but hope to use online and book tutorials to try these methods and others out on my own images.

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